Sunday, August 10, 2014

The Math Guru

It's been a few days since my last post and I have decided that I need to be more faithful about posting because many things have happened in my school world since our last dialogue. The most exciting being that my first Springs friend, Cassie, has been called up to the big leagues of First Grade.

I had been struggling last week when I first was presented with my class list--32 first graders would grace my classroom this school year. I panicked, as any right minded individual would I would like to think. So I began thinking where I would place all these extra bodies, being that I only had 27 desks in my room. Soon my teammates, colleagues and family put a stop to my worries and promised that everything would work out AND IT DID!!! (My class list is currently down to 22 students) I am beyond excited to be working with one of my closest friends in the Springs, although I know that it shocked her a bit at first, she is going to do so well this year!

Secondly, I was asked to be the "Math Guru" for our first grade staff, which is also exciting in its own way. I have always loved teaching math and have a passion to teach young children to love math as well. My mantra for my students "We Love Math!!" (shout out to my mother for coming up with that one). I have spent almost the entirety of the weekend looking up resources to pull for our upcoming math unit because our school currently does not provide a math resource for us to follow. I'm excited for what this math journal-less year will bring. I hope to teach the kids, not only the academic subject of math but, to love math as well.

Lastly, tomorrow night is our school's Ice Cream Social where I will meet my students and their parents for the first time. I am surprised at how calm I am feeling. I know that many of my new teacher friends are caught up in their nervous excitement and might focus on their worry but I am completely the opposite. I know that this year will bring challenges but I welcome them, for it is with challenges that we grow as people and as teachers.

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